Born in Saitama, Japan in 1992. Asako Fujikura is an artist who holds an M.A. from the Department of New Media, Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts.

Her artistic focus lies in the exploration of infrastructures that span urban and suburban areas, as well as the depth of landscapes associated with them. She primarily creates works using 3DCG animation techniques. In recent years, Fujikura has been delving into the dynamics of logistics in landfill areas and the emergence of gardens within the city, with the aim of developing innovative spatial expressions.

Her work was selected for recognition by the jury of the 22nd Japan Media Arts Festival in 2019. Fujikura’ s recent exhibitions include a solo exhibition entitled Colony Highway Broadcast (NTT InterCommunication Center, Tokyo, 2018), and group exhibitions in Energies in the Rural(Aomori Contemporary Centre, 2023), The Museum in the Multi-layered World (NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC], Tokyo, 2021) and Close to Nature, Next to Humanity (Taitung Art Museum, 2020), and screening in KAAT Atrium Video Effects Project vol.21|Asako Fujikura(KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre )



主な個展に、Paradise for Free(Calm&Punk Gallery、東京、2021)、エマージェンシーズ!035≪群生地放送≫(NTTコミュニケーションセンター[ICC]、東京、2018)、グループ展に、エナジー・イン・ルーラル2023(国際芸術センター青森[ACAC])、MOTアニュアル2023 シナジー、創造と生成のあいだ(東京都現代美術館、Unexistence Galleryとして)、多層世界の中のもうひとつのミュージアム̶―ハイパーICCへようこそ(NTTコミュニケーションセンター[ICC]、東京、2021)、主催するプロジェクトに、手前の崖のバンプール(東京湾、東京、2022)、上映に、KAATアトリウム映像プロジェクト vol.21(神奈川芸術劇場、神奈川、2022)などがある。

CV (En/Jp)